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          Shandong Xingyu Mechanical Technology Co., Ltd


          Email: info@xingyumachine.com
          Tel: +86-533-3125007


          Shandong Xingyu Mechanical Technology Co., Ltd

          TEL: +86-533-3125007
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          MAIL: info@xingyumachine.com
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          Precast concrete elements extrusion machines

          2017-06-02  [ Font Size: BIG MIDD  SNALL ]

          Precast concrete elements extrusion machines

          Precast concrete elements extrusion machines adopts gravity extrusion method. It can produce hollow core slabs, columns, lintels, composite slabs, T-beams by changing mould. It only needs 10 minutes to change mould. The concrete elements have the advantage of smooth surface, precise size, high density structure. It is the preferred update products for concrete elements factory.



          1、It adopts gravity extrusion method.

          2、Only need 10 minutes to change mould.

          3、Use same platform to produce different concrete elements, save area.

          4、It can produce: hollow core slab、solid slab、wall panel、T-beam、small double T beam、column , etc.


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